
“Fear Not” Part Three

With today’s blog, we continue with God’s commands ‘FEAR HIM, & FEAR NOT!’ As I mentioned in my previous blogs on ‘fearing not’—there was more God was doing in me—to teach me courage. Prior to marriage, I lived alone, in a rather dangerous town. I needed to exercise after work, and during the winter months, […]

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“Fear Not!” Part Two

I’ll never forget where I was when the terrorists’ planes hit the famous Twin Towers of New York City. That was the famous event of ‘9/11’—which, like the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour in December 1941, ‘is written in infamy’ in American hearts! (I’m sure many of you remember that day very vividly also.) It

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“Fear Not!” Part One

This is the first of a 3 part series on fear. Indeed—“Fear paralyzes. Fear suffocates. Fear debilitates. Fear torments.”[1] Therefore, for us believers, God commands TWO things about fear. Can you guess what they are? Well, the first one is easy. ‘FEAR HIM!’ “Honor all men; love the brotherhood, FEAR God, honor the king.” (1

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