“Count it ALL JOY” Part Four

Personal Testimonies

James 1:2-4: Consider it PURE JOY, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”[1]

May, 2020 / Our local airport in Sandakan

Now, naturally—once you determine to ‘count it ALL JOY’this will surely be TESTED! 

I was given that opportunity the very next morning, after teaching these verses from the book of James for the first time.

So, what was the test? 

Well, in all of my 50+ years of plane travel–never once have I forgotten my passport. That morning, after being dropped off at our little airport, I discovered not only had I forgotten my passport, but I’d also brought the wrong flight-confirmation number. Worse, I had no I.D. on me, whatsoever!

What now? I made phone calls as fast as I could, but got no responses. I had only 20 minutes left to check in, or I was going to be ‘burning’ my ticket.

When I got no one on the phone, James 1:2-4 suddenly arose in my mind. I had to laugh! What was I supposed to do? Yep, consider this ‘ALL JOY!’

Thus, I prayed: “Well, THANK YOU, Lord! I guess You don’t want me flying to K.K. today (our capitol city) for my dentist appointment. Guess I’ll just lounge around the house; maybe watch T.V., eat some ice cream . . . ”

 Immediately I heard in my spirit: “NOT SO FAST, Nancy!  WATCH Me!”

Next thing I knew, my husband was calling me back in the middle of his work meeting. I explained my issue; he told me he’d handle it.

Then I noticed something highly unusual. The airline I was taking had no check-in line! The new airline next to it, had like a 45-minute one. (And that was the airline I had tried numerous times to buy a ticket for—it was cheaper—but mysteriously, never succeeded.) So, I sauntered over to my airline counter, explained my passport was on its way, that I had no I.D., and even my plane confirmation code was wrong.

Normally, this (budget) airline staff would scoff: “For SURE, you’re not flying anywhere today!” (For instance, when once flying on this airline out of Singapore, they departed my scheduled flight 3.5 hours early, without notifying me. When I itemized how this had created expensive fallout for me, all I got from them was a clogged ear and a shrouded eye!)

But that morning, the agent didn’t even flinch. He asked my name, got busy typing, then looked up, “When you get your passport, I’ll let you have this boarding pass. You got lucky this time.” HUH? That type of response has never happened before! (Was the Lord going to rescue me?)

I scurried out the airport’s front door, full of irrational hope. Suddenly, I noticed a familiar car, driving like the proverbial ‘bat.’ It looked familiar—but our driver, Jeffrey—always drove like a turtle, so it couldn’t be our car! But it was and I was flabbergasted! Jeffrey handed me my passport.

The next thing I knew, I was thru all the boarding hoops—and waiting for my K.K. plane, with time to spare!

That whole process—from hubby’s call—took exactly 10 minutes! I was acutely aware this was no normal occurrence.

How powerful and effective to count it ‘ALL JOY!’ I was jazzed! I was praising the Lord the whole way to my destination. Not a bad way to travel!

So, my challenge to everyone reading this—GIVE THIS a TRY!

Can you decide with your will—which you can control—to count your current, or next trial—‘ALL JOY?’ Do so and note the minor miracle that ensues. Keep a log on these. This will transform your Christian walk, and make obstacles and adversities fascinating ventures! (Not to mention—what a terrific way to frustrate the enemy!)

My following blogs will be on this same subject: testimonies of minor miracles, rooted in ‘counting it ALL JOY!’


What minor miracles or changes in your circumstances have come out of your ‘counting it all JOY?’ (Please share in my comments section.)

[1] NIV

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